sob story - определение. Что такое sob story
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Что (кто) такое sob story - определение

sob story         
(sob stories)
You describe what someone tells you about their own or someone else's difficulties as a sob story when you think that they have told you about it in order to get your sympathy.
Any sob story moved Jarvis to generosity.
sob story         
¦ noun informal a story or account intended to arouse sympathy for the person relating it.
SOBs; S.O.B.; SOB (disambiguation); Sob; S. O. B.; SoB
¦ verb (sobs, sobbing, sobbed) cry making loud, convulsive gasps.
?say while sobbing.
¦ noun an act or sound of sobbing.
sobbing adjective
sobbingly adverb
ME: perh. of Du. or Low Ger. origin.


Sob story
Примеры произношения для sob story
1. no sob story.
Accessibility in the Workplace _ Paul Artale _ Talks at Google
2. And I'll save my kind of sob story for now
The Modern Quest for Human Connection _ Taylor Conroy _ Talks at Google
3. It's kind of a history lesson, a sob story,
Ex-Gay Ministries _ Samuel Brinton _ Talks at Google
4. Identify-- and it's not about writing a sob story.
Education Lessons from Work Rules! _ Laszlo Bock _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для sob story
1. Let‘s treat this sob story with the sceptism it deserves.
2. "I haven‘t had a hard life really, there‘s no sob story.
3. "People think Rhydian is unemotional, because he hasn‘t broken down in tears and doesn‘t have a sob story," she says.
4. The nation has come a long way in the 35 years since a New Hampshire sob story ended Sen.
5. I don‘t want to grow up and drink and do drugs." This week‘s sob story came from singer Madonna Decena.